Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Be Excited about the Soap!

Hello Blogger world! So can I just pat myself on the back right now for being so much better about blogging! (enter round of applause here)! :) I have loved putting these posts up and having people actually read what I am writing. It means so much to me! If you are reading this right now I want to thank you for making one of my dreams come true. I know this sounds so dumb but I have always wanted to have people read my very own blog. And now it's happening. If I can inspire just one person with this blog that is all I want! My life is complete if I can just help one person :)

There has been something weighing a lot on my mind lately, especially this past week. As I was walking up to campus today I noticed the looks on everyone's faces as I was walking by. Some were so happy! (probably just got asked out on a hot date!) But others were so sad and so so serious! I wanted to go up to them right there and give them a huge hug... however that would be creepy. And although I have done creepy things in my life I wasn't about to hug a stranger haha. However it got me thinking.... Why do we take life so serious? It's a simple question yes and probably one we never think about. But why do we take life so seriously? Those people walking with sad faces are probably thinking about the bills they have to pay or why that guy or girl didn't text them back or crap! I am going to be a dad soon what in the world am I gonna do financially? All of these things are legitimate worries in our time as college students. But we can't let them consume who we are! I will admit after thinking about this all throughout the week I realized I myself have become consumed in the worries of the world. I am going to be 21 in 3 days and it freaks me out! I feel so old! See right there I am already thinking about the negative parts of turning another year older. I should be saying another wonderful year of great blessings!! Life is too short to be so worried and consumed with all these worries! Yes worry about them and be concerned but don't let these things take over your happiness. That is not why we are here on this earth. We are here to learn and ENJOY the journey! The Lord will help us with our cares so don't worry yourselves sick about them!

"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all the things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." -Mosiah 3:19

I love this scripture. The natural worrying man is an enemy to God! Become a child! I love being around little kids because they honestly have no cares in the world. They trust so deeply. They forgive so easily. Be a little child. Don't take life too seriously and enjoy the little things in life. Thinking about this scripture made me think of a Christmas home video we watched of my family when Chaz was about 3 years old. He opened up some bath soap that he got from Santa and he turned to the camera and yelled "Mom!!! I got soap!! I got soap!!" Be excited about the little simple things of life. Count your many blessings, trust in the Lord, don't take life too seriously and be excited about the soap! :) Have a great day everybody!!
Yes this is me as a child :) I was so care free!!! Remember to find the child in YOU!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Mama's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women in this world! I can truly say I am grateful for all of you and everything you do. I DREAM of being a mom someday and can't wait for that day to be here. I know it is going to be a lot of work but it is the greatest gift our Heavenly Father could give to his daughters. Really, Truly it is. We must not take it for granted! I think my love for children and a want to be a mother has come from watching one woman in particular. She is the greatest woman I have ever come in contact with. She shows the light of Christ in everything she does. I want to take this post to dedicate it to this great woman, the one and only MAMA TAND!!! :)

I know everyone says their moms are the best but I can truly say my mom is the best and I know Heavenly Father knew I needed her throughout my life. She is everything I want to be when I am a mother. One of the many qualities she posses that I love is her love for service. Growing up I never really thought too much about her taking meals to those who were sick or were going through a hard time. In fact I just thought that's something the Mormons do. When someone is sick you take them stuff. Maybe that's why I always wanted to get sick! ha I knew I would get food!! Just kidding! I had an experience with my mom last Summer that has changed my whole perspective on her as a person. There was a lady in our church who was going through a really rough time and I knew my mom had been visiting her but I didn't realize how much she had truly grown to love giving service to this woman. One day in the summer, my mom asked if I wanted to come with her to take this woman some vegetables she had gone and picked from her garden. I agreed I would ride along and decided to go inside and visit with this woman when we got there. Watching my mom give service to this woman and watching her gain this friendship with her made me think directly to our Savior Jesus Christ. She loves giving service and has instilled this love for service in me as I have grown older.

Another wonderful thing I love about my mother is she is my absolute best friend. I just love doing things with her! One of the things I miss most about living at home was having pillow talk with my mom. After every date or "hang out" I went on she would sneak in my room the next morning and lay next to me and ask me everything about it! She wanted every detail. I don't know if she realizes it but those mornings were some of my favorite memories I have of my mom. Still to this day I call her every day! haha I think that's ok right? A 21 year old calling her mom every day? It's FINE!!!! ha. We just have the funnest time together. She is hilarious! She can walk into a room full of people and just make everyone laugh. She has made all of my friends feel comfortable at our house. Growing up there weren't a ton of LDS kids so when they came over to our house for the first time I think they were a little bit uncomfortable but not for long because my mom was everyone's mom. Sometimes my friends would just go over to my house to see my mom and not me! I was a little upset at first haha but I don't blame them. She's a cool lady!!
And did I mention she's a BABE! All my guy friends had a crush on her!

My mom is such a hard worker. She was a stay at home mom all growing up and I absolutely loved it! I would not have had it any other way. She took care of  us kids and made being home a sanctuary for us away from this crazy world we live in. She took care of the house, did our laundry and made us some yummy dinner! She also is not one to sit out when it comes to yard work, in fact she loves to do it and does it today! She is always up for working hard and going 100% on any job she is given. Even though she works hard she loves to play hard! She is always up for doing any type of competitive game, camping, hiking, anything! You name it and she is up for it. She is such a fun person to be around.
We get REAL competitive with each other!

One of the greatest things I love about my mom is she and my dad are literally our #1 fans. They both rarely missed a game we played in, any award ceremony we had or any school function we were involved in. In fact I remember it was my senior year and it was senior night for our soccer team so the parents were asked to be there early to walk with the seniors down the field. Well my mom hadn't been feeling well that day (and when she isn't feeling good you know it's BAD!) so she said I am going to try my hardest to get there. In my mind I was fine with it! I knew she wasn't feeling good and honestly wanted her to get feeling better rather than come and walk down the field. Well it was like two minutes before they started announcing names and she wasn't there. But right as they started calling my name I saw her running.... LITERALLY RUNNING down the sidewalk to get there on time. She made it just in time! That crazy lady is the greatest. I don't know what we would do without her.
This was my relay my mom surprised me and came to cheer me on!

I know I have told a bunch of stories already but I am going to end this tribute with one more that will stick in my mind forever! Last August I really wanted to run a half marathon and I wanted my mom to run it with me. My mom has had knee problems the last ten years or so and still continues to exercise. I don't know how she does it but she's superwoman. Anyways, she decided she would do this half with me as the last hurrah! So we began training. Well she did not so much me haha. I was going to school and rarely found time to run. the most I ran before the half was 7 1/2 miles. I was not ready at all! But we told each other we would stay together and our goals were to never walk and to make it in under 2 hours. Pretty good goals I would say! I did great up until about the 8th mile. I was starting to feel it! But I knew I could do it because my mom was right by my side cheering me on. She kept saying "You can do it Shea! Come on let's go!" Looking back this is how she has been my entire life. Her and my dad standing on the sidelines cheering "Come on Shea! You can do it!" I honestly would not have been able to finish that race if it weren't for her. She helped me across the finish line. (literally I ALMOST passed out and had to go to the ambulance van but I'll leave those details out haha) And we made our goal!!!! We finished the race in 1 hour and 59 minutes. Right on time!!!! I couldn't have done it without her! And I am so grateful she did it with me!

In a nutshell, my mom is the BEST! She is the woman I want to be when I am a mom. It makes me so excited to be a mother. She is going to be the best grandma. I want to thank her for the wonderful example she has been to me in my life. Love you Mama Tand!!! :)

Take the time to think about your moms this Mother's Day and thank them for all they do for YOU!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's Easter Time Ya'll!

So a little fun fact for everyone about little miss Lashea Taylor... Easter is my absolute favorite holiday! I love Spring time and I love dying Easter eggs. I know I sound like a little girl but really truly it's the best! We also do an Easter egg hunt and an Easter egg toss and guess who wins every year? THIS GIRL! jk but you can bet my family gets quite competitive! Easter is so fun and so happy it's the best!

As I have been scrolling through my Facebook news feed I have noticed the video because of him popping up. I finally took the time to watch it today and boy did it send chills through my whole body. If you haven't taken the time to watch it please watch it now! I will even post the link right here so it's that easy!
Powerful right? We are HERE because of Him. Everything we do is because of Him. He was sent here to DIE for us so we could live with our Father again. He is the light in this dark world we live in. He is Hope when we have despair. We are his brothers and sisters. I love my Savior so much and want to help you remember the reason for this Easter season. He was resurrected. That is why we celebrate this glorious holiday. We can live again. 
Because of him I have a wonderful family who I love so much. I can't thank him enough for the family I have. They are exactly what I need. I couldn't ask for anything better. And I am so sad I can't send Easter with them this year... Don't get me started on it ha I am a little mad at BYU. But guess who's mom is sending her an Easter package anyways? Yep Mine! Mama Tand is da best! She is too good to us. I love my fam!!
Because of Him I have a wonderful job at Swig Whooooo hoooo!!! I don't know what I would do without this job. The people I work with are so fun and so great. And not to mention the cookies there... Maybe I am not so grateful cuz I gain weight while I'm there! :) It's fine right?
Because of Him I am here at this wonderful University that at times makes me want to pull my hair out, drop out and work at Taco Bell haha (It doesn't sound so bad right? Swig and Taco Bell... Best of BOTH WORLDS) It's so hard but it is all worth it! I am so grateful to be here. I love it! If you read this please pray for me this week ha it's finals week and I need all the help I can get! I am so happy to be here and to be getting a degree in teaching. I can't wait to teach these little kiddos.
And Because of Him I have the WONDERFUL and CRAZIEST friends that I could ask for! It has been so awesome to meet so many people here at BYU and also at Dixie. I am sorry to say but I will always be a Dixie Chick! I love my friends! They keep me sane during the crazy times of school and life. If you have been in my life... Thank you so much for putting up with me :)

They are the GREATEST! Because of Him I have so many things and I can't thank him enough for what I am blessed with everyday. Take this Easter season to remember all the things YOU have because of Him :) Happy Easter everyone!!!! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kids say it best!

I just watched this video today and it seriously made my day! This little boy could not have said it any better. I can't wait to work with and teach kids for this very reason.... they say it like it is :) So go ahead be happy today and LOVE each other!! Everyone. Your friends. Your enemies. The cashier who messed up your order. The swig girl who forgot to give you your cookie. Love everyone because everyone is awesome! And don't take this life for granted.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I am still terrible!!!

I am still terrible at blogging haha but I am getting better. Holy! I am almost a full year BYU college student! Can you believe it? I can't either. I have almost made it you guys! Let me tell you BYU is a hard school but it is so fun. There are so many awesome people here.

Today as I am sitting here on my bed (I'm supposed to be doing homework.... OOPS!) I can't help but feel so much gratitude for my Heavenly Father and for the great blessings I have been blessed with in my life. I was going through all my old pictures of the past years at college and I have met so many wonderful people who have helped me so much throughout my journey of life. I have almost been in college for three years... I am now a big girl! ha. I will be 21 in May and I just can't believe it. I can drink legally!!YES! haha jk. There are so many experiences I have had in these last three years I would not trade for anything.

This post goes out to all those who are questioning the Lord's timing which I think is all of us. I gave a lesson in relief society today and talked about faith and having faith throughout our trials which also means having faith in the Lord's timing. Sometimes that is so hard to do! When our desires are righteous it's hard for us to take a different direction we don't want to take but is in the Lord's plan for us. We have to have faith in his timing guys! Have faith that He has a plan for you cuz I know he does. Life is so good and so wonderful but sometimes it's easy to get caught up in what we want out of life rather than what we need and what the Lord wants for us to gain out of life. He knows our desires. He knows our hearts. He knows US! He knows each of us. This is such a comforting thing to know. He knows everything about us and what we want. However we need to know what he wants for us. It goes two ways.
God's timing is best even when we're stressed about things happening or not happening when we think is best.

I have always been a worrier throughout my whole life. If something wasn't right I worried about it. This is exactly how I am with the Lord's timing. However I have learned that if we stress about it it does us NO GOOD!!! It just causes sleepless nights, heartache and worry! This is what Satan wants. We don't want this! We want to be happy. That is what Heavenly Father wants for all of us. Simply to be happy and have faith. It is so simple but yet so hard. So be happy TODAY.... RIGHT NOW!!! Have faith in his timing and find joy in every aspect in life. The now and the later.... Have a happy day Ya'll! :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

You're Gonna Miss This

My mother is one wise wise woman let me just tell ya. She heard this song the other day and told me I need to listen to it. I have always loved this song but never really listened to the words and meaning of the song. I am the type of person who learns the words so I can sing it at the top of my lungs in the car! 

Today I took the time to listen to the words and think about what this song actually is saying. Why is it that we all want the next big thing in life? Why can't we all just be happy with where we are at? I know for myself I am always in a hurry to rush into the next big step. I loved every minute of high school but I remember constantly thinking about becoming a college student and couldn't wait for the day when I would live on my own. Now that I am out of high school I would love to go back and have less responsibilities than I do now! I hate being a grown up! ha. And now that I am in college the next big step is MARRIAGE!! I can't wait to be married and after that is children! All of these things are really great and I can NOT wait for all of them to happen. But after listening to this song I realized these things are going to come on their own time. If we don't take the time to enjoy the NOW of life we aren't going to remember how great these times in our life were. It's great to have goals and steps in life but don't focus completely on them and forget to make yourself happy now! Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and enjoy the journey! Enjoy the NOW of the journey! Don't get lost in focusing on the future! Take the time to smells the flowers! :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Catching up!! Dixie State... you will be missed!

Ok..... so let me start out by stating the obvious... I Lashea Taylor am terrible at keeping up with my blog. I thought Oh yeah for sure I am going to at least write one blog a month my sophomore year... Well twelve months later and I have written one, Uno! So I want to apologize to the blogger world for failing at being a good blogger. I have made a promise that with all the new adventures coming my way with transferring schools and moving to a new town I am going to be better at this blog thing. haha. And if I am not then you all have my permission to give me a little wake up call.

For this blog post I want to reminisce my times at Dixie State College. I have been at Dixie State for the last two years (holy cow time is FLYING) and let me just say I know for certain I was supposed to come to Dixie for a reason. The people I have met and the experiences I have had there I would not change for anything! I remember trying to make the decision of where to go to college and I was torn between Dixie State and BYU. I had always wanted to go to BYU, it had been my dream ever since I went there for EFY. There was something about Dixie that drew me to go to St. George.... it could have been the great scholarship I got through ambassadors ha. I just didn't want to give up my involvement within the school. So therefore I had made the decision to go to Dixie. I was so excited! I remember packing up my room two years ago and being absolutely scared to death but so ecstatic to go to college! I was going to be in college! WHAT?! College was for grown ups! I was not a grown up... HECK I still watched the disney channel and was terrified of the dark. Was I ready for this? As hard as it was to leave home I was more ready than I thought I was. It's amazing how much the Lord helps you in situations that are out of your comfort zone. We all hate to step out of our comfort zone but that is the time we rely on the Lord most and when we are able to grow.

And boy did I grow!!!!!! Walking into my apartment for the first time was the coolest, weirdest, most emotional experience ever! I remember walking in and seeing all my roommates for the first time. Krista, Allie and Megan. At the beginning we knew nothing about each other but at the end of the year, let me tell ya, we were closer than ever. I had never had sisters so sharing a house with three other girls was a new experience for me haha. Yes we had our arguments, Is that my shirt you are wearing? Who's turn is it to do the dishes? Who's stuff is in the living room? But overall we all got along so well and I could not have asked for better girls to room with. Allie was the mother hen of the bunch. I want to thank her for introducing me to so many lasting friends. There is no way that I would have been able to meet so many of these awesome people of St. George without her help. She is so friendly to everyone and knows absolutely EVERYONE! She taught me so much about life and growing up. There were countless pillow talks about boys, school, boys, and boys haha. She always had the best advice and taught me to rely on my Heavenly Father at all times. Now Krista was like my older sister/ dance teacher. She has the best moves you will ever see! I remember all the nights we would turn on music and she would break out dancing on the spot! And she was so good haha. I tried to mimic her moves but I gave up FAST! She took me under her wing along with Allie in teaching me everything I need to know about college life. She was always there for me to talk to when I had a problem and was constantly looking out for me like an older sister would do. And then there was our little CNA buttwiper megs! Now me and little meggy were like twin sisters. She is now valiantly serving a mission in Houston Texas woot woot! And I can not express how much I miss my little sidekick. We tease meg all the time about being ditsy but secretly we all loved when we had to come open the door cuz she locked her keys in or when we had to once again pick her up cuz she ran out of gas. We love her for that! She always kept me on my toes. I have never had a friend who always wanted to be doing things like I did. I love to be out and about with people and Meg was always by my side. She taught me to always look for the good in others. Whether you like them or not always find the good. This is why she is going to be an outstanding missionary! She loves everyone and is accepting of everyone. The people of Texas are so lucky to have her. A huge thank you to my first year roommates! You guys helped me more than you will ever know with the hard transition of coming into college. THANK YOU!!! I love you girls!

The Second year of my college experience I thought would never be as great as the first. We did so many things the first year, it could never be topped! But boy was I wrong. The second year was just as legendary as the first! I have my second year roommates to thank for that Annalee, Megan, Brooke and Jaime. All of these girls are absolutely crazy! haha Crazy in a good way of course! Miss Annalee Brunt I would have to say was the craziest one out of us all. She was always looking for an adventure! Going, to the lake, snowboarding on zero sleep, paddleboarding. You name it we did it! She could keep you laughing for hours! I have her to thank for always keeping a positive outlook on life. She loves life and all the adventures life has to offer. I am so so glad that I have her to room with this next semester in Provo woot woot!! Keep the good times rolling!!!! :) Brooke and Jaime were both my actual room roommates if that makes sense haha meaning I shared a room with them. I know what you are thinking... those poor girls! Sharing a room with Shea?! haha Thank you two girls for putting up with me this last year. Thank you for listening to all my boy problems and thank you for staying awake talking to me into the wee hours of the night the nights I couldn't fall asleep. I will Forver be grateful for the both of you!

Halloween party!! 

Krista, Allie, Me and Meg 

FOAM DANCE freshmen year

Sometimes our fights got a little out of hand.... Oops!

Me, Brooke and Meg

Brooke, Me and Meg cutting down our Christmas tree, yes we cut it ourselves!!

Me, Anal and Meg stretching before Red Rock Relay

 I also want to give a special shoutout to the Kool Kids of Mulberry Point from my first year of college. Seriously this place was THEE place to be! We had college kids in almost every little town home and we were all one big happy family. I loved it! We had the Moapa boys in #8, which I did not mind at all!  haha I had a bit of a crush on one of those boys so I was constantly looking for a reason to go over to their house. "Oh.... our can opener is broken? I'm gonna go see if the boys in 8 have one we can use" This line was used on numerous occasions! They were the best of boys and I am so thankful for them in letting me use their can opener. Hopefully they never caught on to what I was really trying to do. Let's hope! Two of them are now serving full time missions and I can't wait for them to get home! :) The girls in #5 were little miss Haley and the Leavitts and Stefanie Higginson. I grew so close to the both of them. Those two knew how to have fun let's just say! They taught me to love life and find the funniness in EVERYTHING! I am going to miss the both of them so dearly! and last but not least we had Jordyn Hanny in #4. She just recently got baptized and I could not be more proud of her decision. She is an amazing girl! She is always serving others. Her house was the Mary Poppins house. if you didn't have it, Jordyn did! She was always giving. I am so glad I was able to be a part of her journey. I will never forget out lovely Chem class we had together. The teacher hated us but we loved it! Mulberry point was great and I will forever miss that place. I can't wait to drive by there and tell my kids about it someday :) ill telll them about the Halloween mystery party, mattress races, movie nights, fondue nights, and countless game nights we had there.

Our Fancy Chemistry Class 

Jordyn Hanny!

Hayden Coop-Dawg! AKA Moapa boy in #8

Haley and Stef

Goodbye Mulberry #10! It's been real... It's been Fun.... It's been Real Fun!! 

And last but certainly not least I want to thank the amazing ambassador program that I have been involved with for the past two years. The people within this program are amazing and I could not thank them enough for picking me to represent their school. From high school retreats, to recruiting in our hometowns we did it all. I have met so many friends through this program and I am so sad to be leaving such a great thing. They truly taught me to be a leader and how to work with others who share the same goals you do. They are an amazing bunch and I am going to miss them all so much this year!!!!! 

The Ambadassador volleyball team woot!

Our lovely Float for Homecoming Week

The Great Race

And to all of you at Dixie State that I have not mentioned who have been a part of my journey... THANK YOU!!!! I have made so many friends at Dixie who I will miss so dearly! College sucks sometimes! You meet all these great people and then you leave! Dang it! There is actually one more shoutout I have to make before closing this blogpost. To Jordan Houston, Conner Atkin and Trumbull Bundy... thank you boys for being my best guy friends this last year at Dixie. Without you fellas, I would not know how to swing dance, ride a bull (which I still don't know how to do), and i would have never ridden in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. Greatest date I have ever been on in my entire life! Awesome! Trumbull you have set the bar really high for date ideas. Thanks for teaching me so much about myself and for being so patient with me. You boys are the best and are going to make some lucky girls so so happy someday! Well Conner's big day is coming up and I could not be happier for him! But seriously thank you boys! Thanks for putting up with me!
The Grand Canyon!

I am going to miss everyone in St. George! And although I am scared to death to switch schools I couldn't be more excited for this new adventure! BRING ON THE CHANGE!!!! :) Come what may and LOVE it!